
Absam in Persian means Water (Ab), Structure (sa) and Environment (m). We are EPC in these fields. Absam EPC Company has been founded from two companies including Abnegar Karon Co. (1996) and MSK consulting engineers (2006) at 2017.

Board of managers were have worked several years as expert as well as technical committee in Mahab Ghodds company. Also, they had experience in other countries such as Africa about meteorology and hydrometry stations developing, and water and environmental Eng.

Main ability and experiences of Absam company are:

  • Water and Environment studies
  • Sociology-Eco-Hydrology engineering studies
  • Special Problem shed studies such as sand and dust storms (SDS) relevant to stakeholders – governance and organizational structure, ecosystems and human health, climate change, food and agriculture, transportation, solar energy, etc.
  • Dam design and water and wastewater planning based on IWRM
  • River engineering and urban flood management (BMPs)
  • Irrigation and drainage, soil and agriculture studies
  • Watershed and environmental management
  • Waste and wastewater treatment, collection, recycle  Eng.
  • Nexus of Water – Energy – Environment Eng. and research (Absam-Wet)
  • GIS. RS and Radar, Surviving
  • Water instruments developing and Eco_hydro system monitoring
  • Civil & Road developing, Building & Housing
  • Value Engineering